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Jenna Assistante virtuelle professionnelle


In 2019, I made a bold decision: becoming a virtual assistant without really knowing where it would lead me. At the time, I was working as an administrative assistant at UEFA, and leaving that job wasn’t an easy decision. Many thought I was crazy, some didn’t even understand what a virtual assistant did, and few believed in its growth potential in Switzerland.

But deep down, I knew I wanted something different. I wanted freedom, flexibility, and most importantly, a balance between my work and personal life.

Despite the comfort of my jobs, I sometimes felt that my work was undervalued.


As a virtual assistant, I’ve discovered a different work- relationship with my clients: they genuinely appreciate my work because they understand how much time and effort it takes.


This recognition is incredibly rewarding.

I won’t lie to you, being an entrepreneur isn’t always easy. But every challenge faced is worth it. Today, I have the freedom to organise my work around my life, not the other way around. It’s an invaluable asset.

My main goal now is to help others make that leap and find that precious balance between personal and professional life. With this vision in mind, I’ve created the first in-person training course in Switzerland to become a virtual assistant.

Don’t wait any longer to realise your dream. If you’re after that same freedom and recognition, get in touch and let’s take the first step towards your new life together. Change starts now!

A bit more about me

With dual nationality, Swiss and Australian, I skillfully blend Swiss professionalism and precision with an innovative, laid-back, and friendly Australian spirit.

Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, I was always ready to lend a hand, no matter the task. This allowed me to understand what managing a business entails and what the life of a business owner is like. So, it was only natural for me to want to start my own business.

In this context, it was also important for me to have flexibility and a good work-life balance so I could enjoy my free time - whether that’s taking care of my dog, doing agility training sessions, or swimming in our beautiful Lake Geneva with him.

And if I’m not outside with my dog, you can usually find me at CrossFit with my husband or in the kitchen whipping up some tasty dishes with a glass of red wine.

Assistante administrative indépendante suisse
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